Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Taking it Easy Ain't So Bad

So I'm out of school until February (at least I think it's February....), and don't know what to do with myself. I had planned to do the Winter session, but all what? basically 4 classes, were full by the time my registration day came around. I'll assume taking a break was fate. After all, I've got 22 units coming this Spring. Eeep!
     So thus far my time off has consisted of:
• Waking up, showering and other hygiene enhancing processes, and getting dressed ( because I have this irrational fear of forgetting how if I don't do it).

•Turning on the "Steve Harvey" morning show or "Good Day L.A".

•Making a nice breakfast, obsessively remembering to include carbs, protein, and good fats.

•Setting a pile of books next to my bed, then checking my emails for something interesting.

•Reading my favorite blogs, getting inspired to blog because I think I get it, then finally not blogging because I'm afraid to do it wrong. Realizing I put too much thought into it, I just turn on the t.v instead, and sit one of those books on the bed next to me.

•I then watch re runs of "American Dad" and "My Name is Earl", and think about how great laughing is.

•After that, I either leave for a walk/bike ride, find some cartoon or biography to watch (sometimes "Friendzone" mini-marathons) while I clean or do laundry, or I take an unecessary nap. Seriously! Why the hell do I need a nap when I JUST got up a few hours ago?

•I watch four episodes of "Friends" in a row. Right now they're at Joey's unrequited love for Rachel, and Ross getting dumped by Mona. Show's still freakin awesome!

•I workout for about half an hour. Yes, dancing around counts too.

•Then I probably watch a movie while on the internet while I wait for "Ellen", "TMZ", "Big Bang Theory", and my prime time shows. I have to mention watching a combination of sports and "Family Feud" with my dad. The way my family gets into that show, you'd think we were really on it.

•Come nightfall, I either go out for some dancing with the girls, or stay in watching waay too much t.v and hoarding information from the books and internet (and info hoarding is a thing, I swear). Usually my sister calls on her way to work, and tells me all the crazy things that went down that day.

    When I had an Ok Cupid account, I'll admit that I was a bit intimidated by the "fun" profiles of other women. And for the record, I'm not ashamed of looking at other women's profiles... ok a little ashamed. Hey, I wanted to know what I was up against. I DID feel lame in comparison, until I noticed a trend among men and women to paint up thee most adventurey sounding profiles they could. I'm not knocking that, because you only have about six boxes, and your best pictures to make an impression. I remember when I would try to hype myself up to men in person too. Like when they'd ask the inevitable "So what do you do for fun?". I'd be all "Yeah I'm so fun and kuhrazzy man!" in so many words, and hope they were impressed. I really wanted to say, "What? Should I have a list? I find everything fun that I think is fun. Work that out." Allowing that attitude to take over, my profile bio was a joke about Hulk Hogan by one of my favorite comedians. The most honest I'd ever been, in a first impression profile. Anyway, I've accepted that I enjoy my little bulleted daily itinerary above, in addition to arcades, hiking, school, being in bookstores for hours, riding around with my sister and her teenagers, talking to my mom and family on the phone, information hoarding, image googling terms like "hot pink stiletto sandals" or "ugly sweaters", cartoons,  wandering my neighborhood, video games that I suck at and give me mild anxiety attacks, obsessing over what makes humans tick, going to the movies or Chili's alone and the strange looks I get for it, and that I prefer active dates over sit-n-talk dates. I also plan to travel, and sky dive, and drive a race car; but those things will come when I'm financially "secure". So I'm not too exciting by some standards, but you know what? I'm happy.

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